Live Well. Feel Well. Age Well.

About Us

Rex Frazer is a highly skilled and Certified Microscopist who is dedicated to helping others achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

Rex's journey to becoming a leading expert in the field of qualitative live blood microscopy began 18 years ago when he experienced his own gut and health issues, which caused severe and debilitating symptoms, that could not be identified or explained through examination or tests done by multiple conventional medical professionals.

Out of frustration and desperation, he chose to try a different course of action and visited a friend, who is a trained live blood microscopist, to see if he could gain any insight into the issues. Within only minutes of having one small drop of his live blood viewed under a microscope, his friend pinpointed the obvious anomalies that existed in the terrain of his blood, which empowered Rex to restore his health which transformed his life.

This personal experience ignited a passion within him to help others achieve similar results, leading him to pursue certification as a microscopist and to provide comprehensive qualitative live blood microscopy services, utilizing advanced equipment and techniques, to empower individuals to take control of their health and wellbeing.


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john Doe

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jane Doe

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Park City | Salt Lake City


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